Best Paid Advertising Options for Supporting Your Pet Business

Paid advertising may seem like a risk you do not want to take for your pet-based business. After all, customers have been finding you without it. However, you can set up paid advertising campaigns that continuously bring you new customers with a bit of knowledge, and they can cost less than you think.

Understanding PPC

PPC is short for pay-per-click advertising. This category only charges you if customers click the ad instead of pay-per-view, which makes you pay when they see it. Generally, PPC is a better choice for pet businesses since you can preserve the budget you set for each day. PPC can be targeted to your specific town and other criteria, so if you know your customers, you can find more like them.

Search Ads

Search ads appear on various search engines when people look up specific terms. So, for example, if you’re a vet in Lynchburg, VA, you could set up a campaign that turns up when people look up ‘dog vet in Lynchburg’ so that your website is right at the top. There are several options with search ads, so you may want to try them out to figure out which one your customers respond to.

Cost: Variable to your daily budget

Display Ads

Display ads offer an alternative to search ads. Instead of waiting for someone to search, you can set up ad campaigns to show your business to folks with certain characteristics. These characteristics could be things like being interested in pets within ten miles of your pet company address. Generally, display ads are visual and designed similar to the billboards you see on the road.

Cost: Variable to your daily budget


Influencers are tricky to work with but can yield enormous benefits for your company. If you choose this route, you should focus more on the audience’s characteristics, not the follower count. You also want to find an influencer with a pet or a demonstrated interest in pets before selecting them and one with an audience in your area. When you find the right influencer, make sure you clearly outline expectations such as ‘three posts within a week’ to limit problems.

Cost: Variable, $25 to $100 is reasonable per post

Online Advertising Partners

There are many online ad platform options, and they can seem overwhelming. However, if you are unsure where to start or simply feel you don’t want to manage paid advertising yourself, you can choose a partner agency. Partner agencies will promise a specific number of leads in exchange for your advertising budget. 

Cost: Variable but typically over $500 per month

Do you want to know more about your options for where people go when they click your ad? Contact Pet Connect Business today to see your options for custom applications and websites that bring in customers.